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October 2004 Archives

October 26, 2004

Life has stolen all my updates!

As I expected would eventually happen, I've fallen behind on my updates because of a busy schedule. Work has been really busy for the past few weeks because of a testpass.

It's autumn now, and when we have an occasional clear day around here, the scenery is gorgeous, with the mountains rising behind tall trees with multicolored leaves. Unfortunately, most days AREN'T clear and sunny... the average day is about 50 degrees, overcast, and rainy. So my activities these days have been adjusted accordingly: fewer outdoor things, more indoor things. Although once the snow starts to accumulate up in the mountains, I might be dragged to the ski slopes to break my legs.

I'm currently enrolled in a jazz dance class at Bellevue Community College, which has been a good experience so far because it forces me to do something active once a week. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing because I don't dance and severely lack coordination, but it's fun anyway. I think I'll continue doing continuing education classes once this quarter ends, though it does hurt my schedule to have a weekly evening commitment like that.

Concerts and plays have also been fun evening and weekend activities around here. There's a little theater called the Second Story Repertory within walking distance of my apartment. I recently discovered the Seattle Repertory Theatre, which offers $10 anytime, any seat tickets for people under 25. That's a HUGE discount. I saw Anna in the Tropics without very high expectations, and it was excellent: I was particularly impressed with the set construction. As far as concerts go, there's always someone well-known playing around here, and not always in the big venues, too, which keeps tickets affordable. For the local live music scene, there are great jazz clubs, and many restaurants and coffeeshops feature live music on the weekends.

About October 2004

This page contains all entries posted to adventures of a tired coder in October 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2004 is the previous archive.

November 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.