Daniel graduates from Purdue!
Congratulations to Daniel, who graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in computer science and mathematics on May 10, 2008! Conveniently, graduation weekend fell on the same weekend as Mother's Day, so I got to make a dual-purpose trip back to Indiana. Purdue graduation ceremonies aren't the most interesting affairs... They split the university up into four separate times, and even then, they don't call out the undergraduates' names -- the names scroll down on electronic screens as two streams of people (one on each side of the stage) walk up, get a diploma and a handshake, and walk back down. Well, we all managed to stay awake long enough to see Daniel walk across the stage, and we were thankful that this ceremony had the least number of graduates (I think Engineering had double the number).
Fortunately, it was a nice day outside, so after the ceremony, we walked around campus taking pictures at Mom's insistence because she wanted to get pictures of Daniel next to every single fountain, as well as the math and computer science building. The math building, by the way, is probably the ugliest building at Purdue. Then we stopped by the computer science building for the School of Science reception, where Daniel filled out the "how to ensure that we will be able to contact you forever" card and got a keychain. Well, he's not going far... he'll be staying for his PhD at Purdue. Another Dr. Tang in the making!