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the picture post

Figured it might not be a bad thing to consolidate all of my picture links into one post. You have to convert "hxxp" into "http" so robots don't crawl over here and get to all of my pictures. Newest at the top.

Date added: 6-22-07
Jan's Party: Pictures from farewell parties to Jan, one of my co-workers. You can see what the girls on my team look like.
Whistler: Pictures from a January trip to Whistler. Gorgeous scenery!
SE Asia: A work in progress... sites for my two week trip to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Date added: 12-25-06
Cornell: Labor Day trip to Cornell
Deception Pass: Camping trip at Deception Pass
Baton Rouge: Trip to Baton Rouge for Jessica's wedding
Europe: London, Bruges, and Brussels over Thanksgiving week

Date added: 7-11-06
Munich & Salzburg: Still working on these, dunno when they'll be finished.
Tulip Festival: Heather and Nina's trip to the Tulip Festival
Olympic Peninsula Beach Trip: Justin and Nina's Memorial Day backpacking trip on the beach.

Date added: 1-16-06
Festival of the Grape: Wine festival at Chateau Ste Michelle sometime last year.
PDC 2005: Professional Developers Conference
Rays: A few pictures at Rays when Mike Stucke came to visit
Random Stuff: A few random pictures that don't fit in anywhere
Whistler: The annual team trip to Whistler

Date added: 12-2-05
Sun Lakes Camping Trip: This is a site I posted before, just not under pictures.
Vancouver Island: Strathcona Provincial Park and Victoria, BC
Thanksgiving: Pictures from Thanksgiving dinner with the family

Date added: 7-15-05
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: Pictures from Mexico. I'm not completely done as of now, but there's enough to see.
Thetis Island, BC: Pictures from the family trip to Thetis Island.
Big Four Ice Caves, WA: Hiking trip I took with some friends.
Yakima Valley, WA: Wine tasting trip in Central Washington.

Date added: 2-14-05
22nd birthday: Pictures of me and Justin running around Kirkland on my birthday. And miscellaneous pictures of snow and a silly gray cat.
Mt. Baker skiing: Skiing trip! And pictures of a silly gray cat.

Date added: 1-7-05
Whistler: Snow, injury, and revelry.
Louisiana: Not guaranteed to be compatible with your browser unless it's mine.
Misc: A few other random pictures that happened to be on my computer.

Date added: 8-24-04
Apartment: Some pictures of my new apartment. A bit out of date.
Bite of Seattle: A few pictures from Bite of Seattle.
Cat: No photo update is complete without the obligatory cat pictures.
Olympic Peninsula: Pictures from a weekend trip to the Olympic Peninsula.
Seattle: Pictures of Seattle from when my mom was in town.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 16, 2004 5:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Weekend Fun.

The next post in this blog is Bite of Seattle.

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