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Automation Station

Well, since work seems to be occupying quite a chunk of my life, I suppose it's worth spending a little time talking about it, now that I'm more settled in and have a better concept of what I'm supposed to be doing here.

First, I guess, a little bit more about my controls. Currently, I have three controls that I "own," all of them data-related. I started out with the GridView control, which is new to ASP 2.0. Next, I got the legacy DataGrid control from ASP 1.x (GridView is the new version of DataGrid. They render similarly, but GridView allows the user to do things with a whole lot less code). Finally, I got DetailsView, another ASP 2.0 control that is similar to GridView, except it only shows one record at a time.

Some screenshots that I took from one of the Microsoft articles (I'm not responsible for the poor quality):

This is what the GridView control looks like on the design surface. Tasks like paging and sorting can easily be done with the click of a checkbox; formerly on the DataGrid, you would have to write the code behind that functionality.

This is what the DetailsView control looks like rendered, in both ReadOnly mode (left) and EditMode (right).

More about all of this can be found at www.asp.net. The v1.x tutorials are pretty good, and there are also some beta docs available for v2.0.


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