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Mexico, a month or so late

Justin and I took a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from April 15-25. His parents had a deal from their timeshare where we got a condo for a week for $150, so we took advantage of that. :) The sunny weather was a nice change from the then-grey Seattle weather. I've got pictures, but they aren't all up yet.

The beaches were really pretty, though a lot of them were rockier than Florida beaches I'm used to. We had a great time taking water taxis to small villages nearby to enjoy their beaches, go snorkeling, etc.

We spent a lot of time in town, mostly walking on the Malecon (the oceanside boardwalk, full of activity especially at night) and around the less touristy Romance District and Cuale Island. The food was great and really cheap, too. We ate mostly local Mexican food, but we also tried a few of the fancier restaurants, which weren't any more expensive than normal places in the United States. The downside of the town was all of the people who would hassle us with touristy things as we'd walk by, trying to get us to buy the same cheap silver jewelry or go to their timeshare presentation. We were asked a lot if we were married, which was shocking at first, but it became a running joke later.


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