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a summary of adventures

It's been awhile since I've updated. In March, I went to Munich and Salzburg for a week during Purdue's Spring Break so I could bring along my (un)enthusiastic brother, Daniel. His summary: we walked a lot. We had a lot of fun, saw some great cathedrals, castles, and museums. We also did the delightfully touristy Sound of Music tour in Salzburg. The hills are aliiiiiiive!

During the month of April, the tulip people north of Seattle put on a tulip festival where lots of people flock to the fields to see all the flowers in bloom. My friend Heather and I decided to go this year to see what the fuss was all about, and we were warned about the car congestion, so we brought our bikes to ride from field to field and avoid the traffic. The flowers were beautiful -- I didn't realize there were so many different colors and shapes that tulips could be. The scenery reminded me a lot of Europe, with the bright flowers, blue skies, and mountains in the background.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Justin and I took a four day backpacking trip on the Pacific coast of the Olympic Peninsula, starting at Rialto Beach and hiking north. Despite our bad track record with weather during these sorts of trips, we managed to stay out there as long as we planned (is that a first?), and it actually rained less than what the weather forecast predicted! In addition to the lovely scenery, we also saw a bunch of starfish, anenomes, and crabs.

A full set of pictures for all of these will hopefully be posted in the next... year?


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 1, 2006 1:57 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Long due work update.

The next post in this blog is Yay for IIS7!.

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