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I love bento!

Inspired by Cooking Cute, like so many others seem to be, I decided to start making bentos! My first three aren't that interesting because I'm out of town this weekend and I didn't want to buy too many fresh ingredients, so there's a bit of repeating. I also need to force myself to start liking fruit. I'm using more of my leftovers because I can use little bits at a time and also put new things in the box to make it more interesting.

First bento! Contains tamago pieces (from Uwajimaya), leftover fried rice, hot dog flowers, green peppers, stir-fried tomato & egg, and corn.

The links contain pictures of bento #2 and bento #3. Items inside include dumplings, udon with tofu, bbq chicken, stir-fried zucchini, shittake mushrooms, broccoli, and cauliflower in hoisin sauce.

And my first onigiri (which I'll probably make more of in the future):

Yay for being domestic. Now I just need a bigger kitchen...


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