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no money and no time but I'm an adult now

It seemed like there were two things I was lacking in my life that were causing me to pay twice as much in taxes as the average person in my income group: children and a home loan. It seemed time to take on one of the milestones that would move me away from the "just out of college" group and into the "full-fledged adult" group. Take a guess at which one I chose...

I'm now the proud owner of a 2BR, 1280 sq ft condo in the South Rose Hill area of Kirkland. And a lot of debt. The picture above misrepresents my view (this is what you see if you stand in a certain place and zoom in), but hey, at least I have a view now. Despite being in Kirkland, I'm actually still close to work (only 5 miles away), and I like being in a neighborhood that's quiet but close to things I need.

No pictures of the interior yet, mainly because I'm still seriously lacking in furniture and have boxes everywhere.


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