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50 Countries Before I Die

People who know me know that I love to travel. At some points in the last few years, it seemed like I was always going somewhere. But when I count, I've actually visited quite a small number of countries: 15.

Here is the list, starred if I really want to experience more of the country:
1. USA
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. Austria * (Vienna)
5. Belgium
6. France
7. Germany * (Berlin, Romantic Road)
8. Spain * (Madrid + surrounds)
9. Switzerland
10. UK
11. India * (Rajasthan, Kerala)
12. Malaysia
13. Singapore
14. Taiwan
15. Thailand * (Chiang Mai)

So for the rest of the 50, here's a possible list:

Asia/OceaniaEuropeSouth/Central America and Africa
16. China
17. Japan
18. Korea
19. Russia
20. Indonesia
21. Vietnam
22. Cambodia
23. Laos
24. Myanmar
25. Nepal
26. Australia
27. New Zealand
28. Iceland
29. Denmark
30. Norway
31. Sweden
32. Finland
33. Netherlands
34. Ireland
35. Portugal
36. Italy
37. Hungary
38. Czech Republic
39. Romania
40. Greece
41. Croatia
42. Turkey
43. Morocco
44. Egypt
45. South Africa
46. Peru
47. Brazil
48. Argentina
49. Ecuador
50. Costa Rica

I won't even attempt to put priorities on them because that doesn't seem to be how I travel, but these are some trips that have crossed my mind:

  • SE Asia Take 2: Return to Thailand (Chiang Mai), Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar (+4 countries)

  • Ja: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland (+4 countries)

  • Crossing into Eastern Europe: Return to Germany (Berlin), Hungary, Czech Republic (+2 countries)

  • Southern Hemisphere: Australia, New Zealand (+2 countries)

  • Machu Picchu and Galapagos Islands: Peru, Ecuador (+2 countries)

  • African Explorer/Safari: South Africa, Zambia?, Botswana? (+2? countries)

  • Indian Adventure: Return to India (Rajasthan), Nepal (+1 country)

  • Motherland: China, return to HK (+1 country)

  • Tapas and Outlets: Return to Spain (Madrid), Morocco (+1 country)

Conclusion? There's a lot to see. I don't have a lot of vacation days. And with all of these countries to visit, I don't think I can have kids. :)

White buildings in RondaDelhi, India

Longtail boats, ThailandBruges, Belgium


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when you travel, what happens to you cat?

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