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Thanksgiving, etc.

It was really nice to have those days off work, and even though I wasn't able to go back home, I did manage to have two very nice Thanksgiving dinners. I spent Thanksgiving day with Justin and his family, and I had dinner Friday night with Sam's family (they did Thanksgiving a day late because her grandfather had to work on Thanksgiving). I got to eat lots of turkey and other good food. :) I'm definitely thankful that I'm in a place with good friends that function somewhat as a home away from home.

Apparently, I don't look old enough to be living by myself. A few nights ago, I had some friends over and we heard the doorbell ring. This was strange because we weren't expecting anyone else, and I don't usually get random people at my door. It turned out to be a kid, about 13 years old or so, selling newspaper subscriptions. He looked at me and asked, "Is your mom or dad home?" I did not reply, and I must have looked angry or something, because he quickly added, "Or... are you the lady of the house?" Hah. I did not buy his newspaper subscriptions. Clearly because my mommy and daddy weren't home. >:o


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